1040 - EZ Calculator: Estimate your total tax liabilities for this year by entering your status, income, deductions, & credits.
Earned Income Tax Calculator: This calculator allows you to see how much Earned Income Credit you qualify for, and how much it may be worth to you and your family.
Self-Employment Tax Calculator: This allows the self-employed individual to determine federal and state tax liabilities. This calculator uses current tax tables, subject to modifications by the IRS and changes in the tax code.
Note: You may need to install java plug ins in order to access the accounting calculators.
Helpful Websites
Attracting Perfect Customers
The Power of Strategic Synchronicity Written by:Stacey Hall & Jan Brogniez
Berrett-Koehler Publisher
Check this publishers site out, we like the books that they offer, business with a conscious Business News/Advice
Perfect Customer
Transforming your business into a powerful magnet to attract more perfect customers and employees
Guidance on business decisions for the small business
Tax Mama
This site has a fun approach to answering your questions about business and taxes
Checks & Forms for Less
Order checks and other supplies for less than the rest
Government Websites
Government Sites Federal Department of Labor
Resource for the current labor laws and workers rights
Internal Revenue Service
An online resource to find the latest in tax law
California Employment Development Department
Your direct link to job placement and referrals, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, employment and training, labor market information, payroll taxes, and more!
U.S. Treasury Department
Get the latest government-issued press releases and other national budget/economy details
California State Website
State of California Government Website
Social Security Verification
This Link will allow you to check your employees social security number - to check the legitimacy of SSN used by employees Independent Contractors
Independent Contractor Versus Employee
Independent contractor versus employee information
W-9 Form
Request for Taxpayer Number & Certification
Pay Federal Taxes allows you to pay your Federal income taxes electronically.
Professional Organizations
American Management Association
A service provider striving to help business professionals and their organizations grow and prosper
American Society for Training and Development
The world's leading resource on workplace learning and performance issues
Society for Human Resource Management
The world's largest association devoted to human resource management
California Chamber of Commerce
Helping California Businesses do Business
Mandatory labor law posters and tools to manage and motivate people
Employee Forms